Mark your calendars for the 9th Annual Walk to BUST Cancer, presented by Surviving Survivors and the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Your registration and/or donation help provide mammograms, diagnostic testing, and other support to medically underserved women in our community.
I am excited and honored to lead the Mindful Meditation at the beginning of the walk this year! I am dedicated to amplifying the National Breast Center Foundation's impact on our community. It has been eleven years since my breast cancer diagnosis, and participating in this walk prompts reflections on my immeasurable gratitude for having great doctors, good insurance, and the unwavering support of my loving family, friends, and community.
If you are inspired, feel free to donate to TEAM DELIA and walk with us on Sunday, October 20th!
Let's empower the National Breast Center Foundation to extend its reach and support even more women within our community.
Your support matters immensely.
Thank you!!
Delia ❤️