Delia Sullivan reading

a little about me

I fell in love with yoga twenty years ago, at thirty-nine. Yoga became my sacred time during my busy career as a photographer, writer, wife, and mother of three children. I loved the physical challenge and the permission to rest at the end of practice. Showing up, listening, learning, and breathing became tools to strike a balance in my day-to-day life. Eventually, I was inspired to find ways of sharing yoga. I began teaching teens and adults in 2007.

Yoga played an essential role in my recovery when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013. I was so grateful that my years of practice gave me the much-needed tools to meet the challenges of cancer. I relied on gentle and restorative practice at home and, after treatment, in-person classes to meet my illness's physical and emotional challenges. Since remission, I have enjoyed creating classes that are more accessible to all. My passion for gentle and restorative yoga has persisted and developed into my primary offering.

I seek to create a light-hearted environment where students explore mindful practice, physical challenges, and compassion through self-acceptance.

Make your inner growth your top priority, everything else will follow
—Judith Hanson Lasater

I co-lead women's connection circles and teach yoga at Radiance-Yoga in Alexandria, Virginia, and my home studio. I offer group and private classes for individuals, health facilities, and corporate/non-profit wellness programs.